How Does It Work?
Let’s Clear the Air
The technology we use should not be confused with other technologies more loosely labelled pyrolysis, which are essentially incinerators. At InRim, pyrolysis is the true process of thermal decomposition of organic material at high temperatures in the relative absence of oxygen. Whilst there are other technologies that use the principles of pyrolytic decomposition, most are simply high temperature incinerators that restrict combustion oxygen in order to minimise the generation of harmful dioxins and furans. Although these processes can remove the need for landfill, they do not efficiently utilise the energy released from MSW or alternate feedstock.
The InRim Difference
Our pyrolysis process decomposes feedstock into its simplest molecular components, forming a synthesised gas. However, unlike other forms of pyrolysis, it does not produce significant greenhouse emissions due to the very low levels of oxidation in the process. Additionally, this process is entirely self-contained — other than the initial heating cycle to commence the process, the plant provides all the fuel and heat required for its own operation, while simultaneously delivering diesel and electricity.
Our pyrolysis technology typically operates at temperatures between 500 – 700ºC. It produces low levels of char, high-quality synthetic diesel (EN590), and clean burning syngas.
Waste Streams
Discover what types of feedstock are suitable.
Find out what our plants produce.
Plant Stages
Unpack how it all works through our six-stage process.