An Innovative Approach

Basic Questionnaire

Once we have identified an ideal area for a plant or been approached by a potential client — which has been the predominant line — InRim uses a questionnaire to gauge the parameters of the area. This includes determining and analysing basic costs, population (each line requires approximately 10,000 people), and so on. A thorough political and economic risk assessment is also undertaken during this stage. If the area appears promising after reviewing this fundamental data, we progress to a more detailed feasibility study.

Full Scoping Study

If the area is deemed suitable, a full scoping study begins. This study determines detailed costings at site level, and establishes the process required to gain a contract for the waste collection and the off-take Agreements/Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) needed. Government approval processes are also outlined, and timeframes established.

Once compete, InRim proceeds to the funding phase — each stage within this phase requires a different level of funding. Of course, the primary objective is to ensure the project can be completed within a set budget and timeframe, and will remain commercially viable for the life of the asset.


Discover more about Continuous Pyrolysis.

Plant Stages

Explore the six plant stages.


Learn about financing and timelines.